I've been so busy (in the best possible way) learning the ropes of my new job as an elementary principal!
I've got my office set up...
I've been meeting with teachers... who have all been amazing and so willing to work on stuff for next year even though school hasn't even been out for a month yet!, working on scheduling, and... since I don't really know everything that I have to do, I've been working on little things that I want to make sure I do and worry I won't have time to do once the real work starts!
That includes LOTS of professional reading.
One thing I want to make sure I do is keep my staff feeling good. I read a great book called If You Don't Feed the Teachers, They Eat the Students. Such a good read and I was pleasantly surprised to see that I'm already doing some of those things!
This inspired me to create a set of food themed morale boosters so I can feed my teachers' souls!
You can snag it for 20% off right now on TpT as I'm having a sale until the end of the day tomorrow (6/30). It features 14 different food themed treats. Just print the large sign and place with the treats in the lounge or print the small signs and slip goodies into mailboxes!
Here's one of my favorite of the food signs.
This is great for administrators or even teachers who want to work together to surprise the staff throughout the year with reminders that they are appreciated!
If you're an administrator, how do you feed your teachers' souls? If you're a teacher... what is something you'd love your administrator to do to let you know you're appreciated?
I'd love to hear from you!