But, I survived the pie throwing! It was really fun and the kiddos were so excited... and, aside from the crunchy bangs I got from the whipped cream drying on my hair and the smell of the whipped cream the lingered until I was able to race home and take a shower, it was allll good!
In the harrowing, gut-renching hours leading up to the pie event, we did some normal-ish stuff.
In Success Time (our intervention block) my group worked on their reading and multiplication fact fluency.
Here's what we did:
We played PB & J with Fry Phrases! This game is from my 5th 100 phrases pack.
And we played this fabulous multiplication game from Lisa at Fourth and Ten. We played it like BUMP but they had previously played it in math class in more of a BINGO type game... which would have been super fun too!
Then we did our marking period reward for those students who had less than 3 missing assignments, read a ton of Pippi Longstocking, and then made a winter bracelet! :)
Then at 2pm, the pies were a'flying!
Tonight the hubby and I are off to see Les Miserables- not the movie, the actual musical. I'm so excited!!!
Have a fabulous time! You should buy some pie for hubby afterwards. :)
My Second Sense