I love Daily Five. LOVE. I've been teaching with this system for 9 years and fall more in love every year!
This is what we're doing this week...
We're working on learning how to ask and answer questions.
We used this FREEBIE {rewind!} from my TpT store...
In small groups, we used leveled passages. We read them and then students randomly drew a question word card. They had to write a question about the passage using their question word.
Anytime we write on our green circles they are so excited! They loved this activity!
We added the pages for asking and answering questions to our Reading Response Journals...
And then... for homework this week, students are completing a reading response task {IN THE SAME NOTEBOOK that we put the Interactive Reading Ask and Answer questions in} some ask and answer question practice! Since we put the response task in the same notebook, they have a resource to refer to at home if needed! I can't WAIT to grade these tomorrow and see how they did. The rubric at the bottom will make grading a cinch! You can check them out for grades 2, 3, 4, AND 5 in my shop!
For independent practice, students worked on answering questions from my newest pack!
Check it out here for RL and RI standards!
Next week, we're going to continue asking and answering questions... but we're going to work on making inferences so we can ask inferential questions! We'll be completing the inference pages of the Interactive Reading Notebook too!
I'm so glad we're in the swing of things! Hope ya'll are off to a good start too!

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