Tuesday, May 28, 2013

T-Minus 2.5 Days... and a Giveaway!

I can't believe that I only have two and a half days left!  It's NUTS.  It didn't actually hit me until this weekend that it really is the end of the year.  I'm looking forward to the break to work on things for next year, read, exercise, and catch up on some TV!  This year has gone by incredibly fast and I am so excited for next!

So, that's what I've been doing... working on wrapping up my year.  That's why I've been MIA from this little blog for almost a week.  But my report cards are DONE and that's cause for a celebration!  I teach ELA to two classes, so I had all of the ELA standards to go through for 56 kids PLUS behavior/social skills type report cards for my 26 homeroom kids!  I'm glad to have that done.  It was really exciting to see the growth they've made as I put in final grades.  I'm going to miss those kiddies!

I've also been working on a writing resource that is going to really help me in my room next year.  I love love love using writing folders in which kids document their own successes and/or hopes for future writing assignments and I've just finished a MONSTER of a pack that is 180 pages of writing goodness connected to the Common Core!  There are resources for setting up writing portfolios, a narrative, informative, and opinion writing prompt for each month, 30 extra writing prompts not monthly themed, a few writing graphic organizers, student check-lists for each type of writing for upper and lower elementary, and resources for getting students to talk and think about their writing.

I'm super excited about this!

I'm going to giveaway a copy too!  Just leave a comment and tell me anything about writing instruction in your classroom.  I'll pick a winner later this week!

In the meantime, it's on sale at TpT for a few days... you can check it out below!

Find it on TpT and Teacher's Notebook


  1. This looks wonderful! I love teaching writing and am actually looking forward to doing different genres - we have focused heavily on narrative before because of our state testing. I love combining writing and art of some kind. It really inspires great ideas! ~ Lisa

  2. Writing has been a struggle for me. I know how to teach it but I think I spend too much time on one thing. I'm def looking at writers workshop/common core more this summer. This would be a great resource to get me started. The kiddos at my school are in need of some writing intervention for sure! Happy Last Few Days :)

  3. K-2 at our school uses the Lucy Calkins framework for writing...we see a lot of growth in our little ones. This pack looks like a great resource!

    Lindsey - lmburto@gmail.com

  4. Hi Christina,
    We have used step up to writing over the past 2 years. I have really enjoyed seeing my kiddos improve in writing this past year with some small group instruction. I'm like a proud mama to see how much they've grown. Looks like a great pack!
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After

  5. Writing in my room is my weak point. Something I definitely want to improve on!

  6. I have worked really hard on my writing this year. I have lots of ELL students, so I do a lot of modeling and step-by-step instruction. I'd love to have this as one more tool for writing!
    Ms.Smarty Pants

  7. I am planning on implementing Writer's Workshop in my classroom next year. This looks like a great resource to use!

  8. Sweet friend, I am dying to win this!!! I must confess that I have failed miserably in teaching writing this year and have vowed to make it a priority next year. I so need this!!! Ashleybowlesreed@hotmail.com

  9. Wow! This looks like an amazing pack! Lucky you, only two days to go... I've got two terms to go until the end of year! I teach part time, so I'm only responsible for some writing in my class, but I base our writing on our theme, which is linked to our discovery time (play based learning). I'm always on the look out for new ideas!


  10. Ohh sounds like an AMAZING packet!
    I love assigning writing, but I have a tough time walking my kids through the writing process. It's on my summer to-do list to revamp before next year. I am always open to new ideas and activities - hint hint :)
    In my class we do a lot of creative writing to get my kids motivated to write. I also like to teach grammar through writing so we do a lot of grammar identification in our papers. This helps show them the realistic application to all of that grammar!

    Pick me! :)

    Joy in the Journey

  11. Urgh I typed a whole comment and it deleted it. :/ Womp womp.
    As a first year teacher, I did not teach writing well enough. I had my kiddos reflect on their writing from the year this morning and it was tough. This would be an awesome resource!

  12. Wow well this pack sounds amazing! I really need all the help I can get when teaching writing! I would love something that would help show me the student's growth throughout the year.

    A is for Apple B is for Blog

  13. This looks like it is great! Writing instruction is not my strongest area, so I'm sure this would help. Meredith.mitchell@nhcs.net

  14. I love this!! It looks like a great resource! Writing is my kids' favorite part of the day. I love to play classical music for them while they are writing. :)

    Smiles from 2nd Grade

  15. I love teaching writing. This would be an AWESOME resource! We have done narrative writing for many years, with a step by step process. Thanks to the Common Core, we have really kicked it up a few notches with the addition of persuasive and opinion writing. They need lots more practice with these. Your packet would be just the thing to help. I love to see the growth they make! Have a great summer!


  16. We use Lucy Calkins so my kids are constantly writing their own books. They love it!
    Teaching in the Valley

  17. Ahhh writing is my weakness! I am always looking to revamp it. We use benchmark writing, but I like to supplement to spice it up a little! This resource looks fab!!!!


  18. Ahhh writing is my weakness! I am always looking to revamp it. We use benchmark writing, but I like to supplement to spice it up a little! This resource looks fab!!!!


  19. I would love to win a copy of this!!! I use a writer's workshop format in my classroom, and I love how the kids can write about whatever they want. I think it helps them to have a vested interest in their writing. I also love all the wonderful things I can learn from their writing. Once I had a student tell me all about how to play beer pong. HAHAHA!!! I'm sure her parents were mortified when that came home!

    Angela ;)
    Hippo Hooray for Second Grade!

  20. Like others that have already commented, teaching writing is a struggle. I do like using Write Tools, but it seems like when I'm crunched for time, it's the first to go. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

    Fifth in the Middle

  21. Writing is one of the things I worked hard on improving this year. I think I've made some great strides, but I'd love to get better!! One thing I started doing that I love is having the kids "rehearse" their writing before they draft. They use a flow chart, or some type of planning chart, to organize ideas. Then they take those ideas and verbally turn them into sentences before drafting. It has made a huge difference!!

    Teach on a Limb

  22. Writing is probably my worst thing to teach. I have no rhyme or reason for how it gets done or when. I need to work on getting into a better routine. I had a good one a couple years ago and it just fell apart the past 2 years.

  23. Congrats for being done with report cards. I desperately need this packet. Writing is my weakness. We don't have a writing curriculum. I'm lost . :)
    I have this on my wish list for sure!

  24. Looks like a great resource! Adding to my wishlist :) {but hoping I win}


  25. I think that your writing packet looks great! I have a hard time getting writing done like it should be with my 1/2 graders. Sometimes they take so long to all finish:)

  26. Looks great. I love to see the growth over time and I love when they ask writing paper to use at home..

  27. I would love to win this...we do a lot of writing, but I need to sit down to make sure it is balanced...seems we are short on persuasive. Sometimes I am stuck for writing ideas, too.

    tokyoshoes at hotmail dot com

  28. So love teaching writing. My district uses the Being A Writer curriculum, and it has wonderful literature that is part of each lesson. I wish I had more time to do writing, but this year's schedule is a little more fragmented than in the past. Your packet looks wonderful and appears to be filled with outstanding resources. My report cards are done too-yippee! Only 4 more days.

  29. After my first year back in the classroom, I'm sorry to say that I didn't give enough time to writing for my fourth graders. I am planning to implement Daily Five next year, and I'm super excited to bump up the writing instruction and time in general.
    I'd love your resource to help me out on that quest!
    Vicky Phillips

  30. I need to improve on my writing instruction in the classroom. It has been a struggle to get them to write. I am hoping next year will be better:)


  31. We are moving to common core standards next year in 2nd, so I look forward to the chance to revamp and improve how I teach writing. Right now, our district encourages 6+1 traits, and I like the Small Moments program. I'd love to use your resource to help me to teach high-quality writing!

  32. I downloaded it. Can't wait to use it. Thanks so much. I am inspired to maybe start my own blog.

  33. and might I add... we have 12 more days...

  34. This would be such a great resource to enhance writing instruction!


  35. This looks fabulous! I try to tie literature to my writing for both non fiction and fiction.

  36. I love teaching writing! Getting them to think about strategically organizing their thoughts is my favorite part. This really looks like a fantastic resource.


  37. We are doing a lot more writing with the new CCC. I am trying to find as many materials to teach the different types of required writing. This looks like fun!

  38. Writing was my student's favorite part of the Daily 5 this year. My goal was to get my students to peer edit and after a lot of modeling they finally got the hang of it and it really improved the quality of their writing.

  39. Wow! Awesome, as is everything you do and share! My favorite writing activity that I do with my kids is creating a keepsake journal of their year. They write in them every morning with updates of what is happening in their lives and adding momentoes of events and activites. We have a quote of the day to which they add their reaction and a question of the day which they can do for a small reward. This year we added a Daily Gratitude component where they wrote down each day one thing they were grateful for and why. They do such a fantastic job and have such a special keepsake of their year's journey. :)

  40. This is the resource I need. I would love to try this out in my classroom next year.

  41. Writing is my favorite part of the day. There is soft music playing and my students spread out all over the room writing. I am always looking for new ideas and your new writing pack looks great! It is on my wishlist! Congrats on finishing your report cards! I'm so jealous. We still have 20 days left!

  42. So Writing in my classroom...it's a combination of meeting/utilizing whatever writing style and focus the basal series (Treasures) has for us and integrating from our Content units (Science and Social Studies). Sound tricky? It can be, but the good news about this kind of hybrid, do it yourself approach, is that well we can be as creative as we want! I also love to turn Pandora onto the classical music station during Writing....seems to soothe my little ones. :)

  43. My writing is not as good as it should. That is my goal to work on for next year.

  44. Writing is definitely an area Im always working on. I really want to implement the writer's workshop next year.

  45. This looks great! I need help in my classroom with writing! This will definately help!

  46. Like so many others have stated, writing is an area that I need to improve on. This looks wonderful especially since it's connected to the common core. Thank you! dbednarsk@yahoo.com

  47. Getting more comfortable teaching writing each year. Right now we are right in the middle of our non-fiction writing unit. My goal for next year is to have them write even more than this year. Your resource looks wonderful!

  48. hmm I thought I just posted...I have a partner who is a great writing teacher and has offered to help me, this giveaway would surely help!!!

  49. This looks awesome! I love to write myself but haven't found the love of teaching the skills of writing to my kids. I'm more of a write every day and we'll grow throughout the year by osmosis. I'd love to impliment this next year. Ccapper@sbcglobal.net

  50. Writing is an area of my teaching that I struggle with. I enjoy teaching it and love seeing the student growth over the year, but I just feel as if there is more I can be doing with it. This unit looks like a great resource!


  51. Writing is an area of my teaching that I struggle with. I enjoy teaching it and love seeing the student growth over the year, but I just feel as if there is more I can be doing with it. This unit looks like a great resource!


  52. Writing is not my favorite thing to teach - so my kids struggle with it for sure! Would love to have this resource to help!!

    Allyson - suttonal821@gmail.com

  53. This looks great. I need lots of help teaching writing. I would love to win this.


  54. The writing instruction in my room needs a major overhaul! It is by far, my biggest weakness. My district doesn't provide much for writing. I need to make it my goal next year to improve my writing practices. Your packet looks fantastic!

  55. Just found out today I'm moving to fourth grade, so a comprehensive resource like this would be great! We are also going to implement Lucy Calkins units of study for writing. Exciting!

  56. My goal next year is to keep my mini lessons short! I feel like sometimes I go way too long and don't have enough time left for the students writing time!!


  57. I love love LOVE writing, but I find it's the most time consuming to plan for. Also, I think my kids feed off my energy (or lack of) during writing time. :)

  58. I love, love writing, but it is my weakness!!!


  59. Writing is my weakest area of teaching. I get so overwhelmed by the various teaching resources that I have and have never gotten into a great format for etching writing. Would love to have your resource.

  60. Looks like a great resource. I use Write from the Beginning and Thinking Maps for writing, but I am always looking for ways to improve.

  61. Since Common Core really focuses on analyzing I decided to have them review all their years writing that I didn't send home already and pick out another example piece to place in their cum folders. Of course after they did that they had to write to tell me why they chose that one :)

  62. Writing is an area that I need to work on in my classroom. We have used Write from the Beginning, and we also use thinking maps.

  63. Writing is an area I would like to improve next year. Would love this new product. Looks useful.

  64. Writing is an area I would like to improve next year. Would love this new product. Looks useful.

  65. I've been trying Lucy Calkin's readers workshop and now my school has adopted it as well. One thing my kiddos love to do is to write with colorful pens! It's super motivating to them and it makes writing time special. I'm looking forward to next year and would love to see your resource!

  66. Writing is not my forte, and it is the area I am least confident in. However, it is also the area that I research and read about the most. Your unit looks like it would be a big help for me and my class.

  67. This looks like an amazing resource! One of my favorite ways to teach writing is within the construct of a themed unit. Last year my kids and I did this fabulous unit on bats - we wrote poems about bats, reviewed fictional bat stories (like Stellaluna), completed different graphic organizers and survey graphs, and then wrote bat reports. They learned so much and were able to practice so many types of writing. They loved it!

  68. We are currently finishing up our yucky/yummy writing. I just wrapped my tall tale unit and the kids each wrote their own tall tale. I was very impressed with their ideas. My writing instruction includes teaching the writing process with target skills while providing a lot of modeling. I also try to tie in the writing topics with either science, social studies or reading.

  69. Writing is a work in progress in my room- this was my first year as a 2nd grade teacher, I've always taught kinder. Writing is different with bigger kids, but it is an interesting journey.

  70. Writing is something I love to have my second graders do, but I hate the editing stage! That being said - something powerful this year for my kids was encouraging then to write books for the class library. They loved it!

  71. wow! I love it. Writing can be challenging and this would help prioritize it.

  72. Writing has always been a favorite for me. Not necessarily the mechanics of it all but trying to install the love of it through fun!! I just listened to the final writing that my first graders did and it is amazing the journey we have walked from having tears every time one little had to write to now being able to write three or four sentences about the same topic and then reading them back to the class without a bunch of ums as we tried to make up what we were writing about.

  73. I love to teach writing! Modeling, conferencing and publishing has helped my students improve their writing skills. Would love your resource to help organize myself for the upcoming school year!

  74. What a great resource! Writing is a part of the day that the kids love. It is awesome to watch them grow as writers during the year. This resource would be a wonderful way to organize my writing for next year.

  75. I love using a performance wall for writing tasks. We discuss as a class the aspects of great writing and how exactly each student can get a level 4 grade. These writing samples are a visual way to help students understand what they do well/need to improve.
    - Amanda {avphilli@gmail.com}

  76. Writing is a disaster at my school site! We've tried different things and recently had some individuals come in and provide PD. It was EXTREMELY helpful to see an entire narrative & expository unit laid out and modeled. :) However, I'm still hunting for more resources. -Carol carolhernandez3@gmail.com

  77. We use the 6+1 writing traits. Teaching writing has not been a favorite of mine so any writing resources out there that could help would be great!


  78. I love teaching writing! I think it is my favorite thing to teach...it is so much fun to see the growth from the beginning of the year to the end of the year!

    :) Carmen

    Carmen Zeisler

    Exploring Elementary
    Fourth Grade

  79. Thanks for the giveaway! We've been trying to switch over to the common core this year and it's been fun and interesting. The kiddos have come so far!

  80. I've never been good at teaching writing. For me, it's really hard trying to get the kids' voice into their writing, especially with the younger kids.
    Teachin' First


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