If you take a minute to give your opinion and leave a comment, I'll select one on Friday to win a brand new item from my store... which I'll be posting about on Friday!
Did you know I had a website? I made this YEARS ago waaaaay before people blogged and it's really got a LOT of info on it for how I ran my classroom at that time. And I've just totally neglected it since I began blogging. There is no way I'll start updating it again, but lots of people use it for a resource and three of the pages from my website are in the top 10 traffic sources for my blog so...
I would love for you to check out my class website and let me know if you would keep it up if it were yours... knowing it will not be updated very much!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
You can click on the pic to head to the site (http://www.bainbridgeclass.com):

I have gone to your website many times in the past few years, so I would love it if you would keep it up.
ReplyDeleteI've visited your website several times before blogging took over, but with the advent of blogs, I've almost completely stopped visiting teacher websites. With that being said, I also have tons of stuff on my website and feel attached to it, so I know how you feel. I'm leaving mine up. I think you should leave yours up, too, because there are lots of great resources on it. Call me nostalgic, but I'd hate to see it go.
Wow--that was fast! Great update with the different grade levels and blog/TPT. Thanks for keeping it!
ReplyDeleteI love your blog and your website. I visit your blog daily and your website often. You have so many wonderful resources that you are so kind to share. I for one would hate to see your website go. My vote would be for you to keep the website and just let people know that it will not be updated. Thanks for being so kind and sharing your ideas through both your blog and your website.
I use to visit your website and several others all the time (before blogging) I know they aren't updated that much anymore so I don't go all the time, but I still have them saved for when I need the things I know are there! I think it's still useful so I would leave it up!!
The Resource(ful)Room!
I also have visited your website before I knew of your blog. I love the colors! When you say "class website" I understood it to mean where your class parents head for information, but it looks like it's more just for teachers?
ReplyDeleteI did not know about the website, but after checking it out, I think it's great and could definitely see myself visiting it in the future to pull some resources. If I were you, I would keep it.
ReplyDeleteMrs. Jones Teaches :o)
I didn't know about your website, but I spent a good amount of time tonight looking through it and finding stuff I like on it. I would love for you to keep it up. I would definitely return to it as a resource. I can see other people coming across it and thinking the same. Please keep it! :)
ReplyDeleteI actually found your website well before the advent of blogging (back when a bookmark was pretty high tech in my world!) and I found lots of great ideas on there.
ReplyDeleteSince you didn't have to pay to renew it, perhaps you could add a note that it is no longer being updated. Then use some kind of counter to see if it is worth it when you do have to pony up!
tokyoshoes at hotmail dot com
I think it's great and use it as a resource quite a bit! I would be very happy if you kept it even though it isn't getting updated. If you do keep it, I would put somewhere on the top that it's not getting updated anymore and send them to your blog. Your teacher resources are too good to lose!! :)
Please keep it! I have used it countless times for ideas! :-)
ReplyDeleteThere are lots of great resources - I would keep it up if people still used it. It is in my favorites. :)
ReplyDeleteChristina, I would definitely keep it up. So many people use it, myself included! I found it years ago before blogging was a big thing and have been using it ever since. I LOVE it! I would sure hate to see it go! :)
Keep it. I've used it many times and there is so much helpful information on there. I always direct new teachers in your directions! I love everything you do!
ReplyDeleteWhen I lived in Arizona at the beginning of my teaching career I found your website, used it, and shared with so many people. Now that I'm back in Michigan I still refer to you and to your site when I'm sharing with colleagues. It's definitely a great resources and I love that it comes from someone who actually teaches in the same state I teach in.
ReplyDeleteI still love your site and reference it often. Please keep it!!
ReplyDeleteI have used your website forever and I love it! I was so sad to hear you were taking it down. To me, it is easier to navigate and find information. Please keep it!!
Def keepit. I followed your website long before I discovered teaching blogs!!
ReplyDeleteI would def. keep it up. My whole school used your website for bucket filler and morning meeting resources. Just think of all the traffic that creates for you and exposure. Plus, it's just a wonderful resource for plenty of teachers out there. I know I've definitely benefitted from it. Thanks for all you do! Seriously, it's been a big help. :)
ReplyDeleteI discovered you and your blog because of your class website... Someone showed me a copy of your even and odd cow and pig posters, and it was a terrible black and white copy... So I used the link on the page to find the original, which lead me to your class site, not your blog (presumably because it was a resource you had created before your blog existed)... So I think either use the domain to redirect traffic to your blog, or leave it how you have it now with your blog button front and center. You could also put all the freebies in your TPT and TN stores if you decide to take the website down.
ReplyDeleteI had forgotten how much you added to my teaching from this website. I still use many of your resources like deskerella, the venn diagrams, monster at the beginning of the year and so one. I will take the time to save what you have so generously offered as freebies so I can still access them in the future. You were one of the first inspiring sites. Thank you so much!
ReplyDeleteI still go on your site and really appreciate the freebies and information that is there. You were the first site I ever put in my bookmarks :)
Polka Dot Kinders
Actually I used that website a lot before I even knew about blogging. I was always so impressed that someone out there in cyberland was willing to share ALL of that wonderful stuff for free. That was well before I knew about TPT! Thank you for all of that. I don't think I would have been interested in blogging if it hadn't been for your original website!