Today I'm wrapping up a trip to Dallas with one of my co-workers! How amazing when your co-workers are also great friends! Especially ones you can take cross country road trips with!
This week's 3 fer Thursday is all about making reading skills easy.
First up... one of my all-time favorite products that we use ALL THE TIME in my 3rd grade ELA classroom...
100 Days to CCSS Success!
One hundred quick reviews to practice every ELA standard! I have mine bound into a little booklet and we use them during down-time, transitions, and morning meeting. Each file also includes a page that allows you to turn individual pages into quick assessments! These are available for 1st, 2nd, AND 3rd grades!
Comprehension THOUGHTmarks! These are bookmarks connected to CCSS reading skills... but the super cool thing is that each bookmark contains two THOUGHTmarks... which are interactive and help students practice the skill on the front of the bookmark! I run these with one bookmark on the front and one THOUGHTmark on the back and students can interact with strategies as they read!
And the 3rd fer Thursday...
Cause and effect fiction and non-fiction passages with graphic organizers to help students practice this tricky skill every month of the year! Each month contains a full color passage you can display and then the same passage on a student sheet with a graphic organizer to help students identify cause and effect relationships in fiction and non-fiction texts!
Happy 3 fer Thursday! Feel free to share the link to one of your products that makes important reading skills a little easier!

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