So, that's what I've been doing... working on wrapping up my year. That's why I've been MIA from this little blog for almost a week. But my report cards are DONE and that's cause for a celebration! I teach ELA to two classes, so I had all of the ELA standards to go through for 56 kids PLUS behavior/social skills type report cards for my 26 homeroom kids! I'm glad to have that done. It was really exciting to see the growth they've made as I put in final grades. I'm going to miss those kiddies!
I've also been working on a writing resource that is going to really help me in my room next year. I love love love using writing folders in which kids document their own successes and/or hopes for future writing assignments and I've just finished a MONSTER of a pack that is 180 pages of writing goodness connected to the Common Core! There are resources for setting up writing portfolios, a narrative, informative, and opinion writing prompt for each month, 30 extra writing prompts not monthly themed, a few writing graphic organizers, student check-lists for each type of writing for upper and lower elementary, and resources for getting students to talk and think about their writing.
I'm super excited about this!
I'm going to giveaway a copy too! Just leave a comment and tell me anything about writing instruction in your classroom. I'll pick a winner later this week!
In the meantime, it's on sale at TpT for a few days... you can check it out below!
Find it on TpT and Teacher's Notebook