I have some "life" going on right now and just can't blog... but I wanted to pop on and say hello! My TpT store will be on sale at 10% off starting tomorrow and ending on New Year's Eve. My TN store is on sale TODAY until New Year's Eve!
Check out my TpT and Teacher's Notebook shops!
If you have any teacher's New Year's Resolutions... check out these products to help you stay on track!
Resolution #1- get ORGANIZED
Click the pic to check out fillable class grid "check lists". I use mine every day to check things in and stay organized!
Resolution #2- collect more authentic, informative GRADES
Yeah, I know... who wants to collect MORE grades?! These Snapshots make it so easy though!
Click the banner to check out "Snapshots!". They are super quick, easy to grade and CCSS aligned to help guide and inform instruction... I give a grammar and comprehension Snapshot weekly and L-O-V-E them! I have them available for 1st grade math and comprehension, 2nd grade math, comprehension, and grammar, and 3rd grade math, comprehension, and grammar too!
Resolution #3- do more WRITING
Click the picture to check out "The WRITE Stuff!" an easy to implement writing portfolio full of prompts for narrative, informative, and opinion writing!
Resolution #4- be more consistent with home-to-school COMMUNICATION
I do this in 2 ways... 1... super easy weekly newsletters! Just click the picture to check them out. They are fully customizable in Powerpoint. It seriously takes me about 5 minutes at the end of the day each Friday to type up a newsletter for the next week.
Sometimes I copy comprehension bookmarks onto the back of the newsletters. Then, families can read the newsletter then cut out a bookmark they can use during the week to help their child practice comprehension skills at home! Click the pic below to check out 25 CCSS aligned reading bookmarks!
Last... Resolution #5... be more consistent and hold students accountable for HOMEWORK
We LOVE our "Homework Club" in my room. My students work so hard to stay in the club. I love that they are practicing skills at home and becoming self-motivated to work to achieve their goal of staying in the club. Click the pic to learn more about it!
That's it! I'm hoping to be able to be back in action in January! Until then, send happy thoughts my way please!!!

Oh course I'm sending you happy thoughts, HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY just for you! Can't wait to go on our date next week!
Wait, you're going out on a date without me? When are we getting together again - I know I keep flaking out on you both, but I REALLY REALLY want to get together. I think you need to come and visit some family out my way, Patty - bring Christina with you! xoxoxoxox Christina, you are in my thoughts and prayers lady - love you to bits and pieces!
Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade
I guess I am trying to think of a blog post as I check updates of what others have blogged about. Hope you are enjoying your break.
ReplyDeleteFYI I’m having a giveaway at my blog for my 32-pg place value book (PDF version)--if there are enough entries everyone will be a winner! Feel free to share about it and enter.
Lucy Kids Math Teacher
Yes, I understand how live happens - it's impossible for me to balance everything. I think I am too Type A and want to give everything 120%. Just do what you can. I think this was an incredibly helpful post, so thank you! Wishing you a Happy & Healthy New Year.
ReplyDeleteValuable article - I am thankful for the info . Does anyone know where I could locate a fillable CA FTB 199 example to fill in ?