Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday Made-It... {Actually not}

I actually made these last week and posted about them, but doggone it, I'm proud of them and wanted to link up with Tara at 4th Grade Frolics anyway!
Both of these are Pinterest inspired projects:

1.)  an interactive "respond to reading" poster that I designed and then had printed on Vistaprint.  I'm super excited to have my kiddos place a sticky note on their number to respond to questions about a text or concept.  I shared an uploadable template for this yesterday... click HERE to get it!

2.)  a First Day frame!  This kiddo is actually going in to 2nd grade... but was kind enough to model my frame for me.  I'm super excited to have my 3rd graders pose behind this on the first day!   I got the frame at Goodwill for $1.99 and had the ribbon & bunting border (it's something I bought from Creative Teaching Press)... then I just whipped up the text part and... done!  So quick and easy!

3.)  I DID make something that I'm *SO* jazzed about for my classroom... but the picture I took stinks and so I'm going to try a new picture today and then I'll show ya tomorrow!

And... just a reminder:
TpT     and     Teacher's Notebook

I'm off to a new employee orientation and then ELA meeting... thus begins my last week without kiddos!


  1. Love your interactive reading response chart. I keep on meaning to make one. Maybe I will get there one day ;)

  2. Love your frame. Is the bunting something you printed or scrapbook paper? TOO CUTE!

    1. Thanks! It's actually a Creative Teaching Press border!

  3. Wow! Thanks for the template!
    - Michele
    Multiage Moments

  4. Your interactive response poster is such a cute ans fun idea, Christina.

  5. I love the frame! It turned out so cute! I have to try to remember this for next year (since we are already on week 4 here)!
    Third Grade Tidbits

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I'm LOVIN' the picture frame idea! How cute! It's on my to-do list. I was thinking about the poster...I have a blank desktop calendar that I could easily convert into an interactive poster. It's already decorated and I could even change it with the seasons, as all 12 are different. Thanks for the spark!!

  8. Love that frame! Your respond to reading poster is great too!
    Conversations in Literacy


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