Starting tomorrow, I'll be teaching summer school for the next two weeks. Then I get a week off but that's the week before school starts!
So, I wanted to show you what I've got in store for my kiddos at summer school...
We will be working hard on our math facts. I'm teaching summer school to incoming 3rd graders so we will be hitting hard on addition and subtraction facts.
I'll be using lots of the resources from Cynthia at My Kind of teaching.
She's put together a crazy comprehensive pack to help students master their facts throughout the year. Now, I've only got two weeks... but I LOVE the fact PDFs she created. They're kid of like PowerPoints, except you don't need PPT to do them. I'll be displaying them and using my Mimio pad to click through the pages as my kiddos write answers on white boards.
We'll also be using some of Rachel's (aka The Tattooed Teacher) sweet summarizing activities to work on our comprehension skills.
Both of these packs are available at an incredible price until the end of the day today as part of the great bundle on Educents. Today's the last day for it!!!
I also put together my 2nd grade 100 Days to CCSS Success: ELA edition to use as quick filler activities with these summer school kiddos. I think this will be a great way to start the year with my new kiddos too... especially as MEAP review!
I've shared how my 3rd grade one looks before:
I did the 2nd grade one a little differently...
And here's the inside of 2nd grade with all of the review pages...
You can find them all (1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade versions) on TpT if you're interested! I'm pretty proud of these babies!
I'm looking forward to easing into the swing of things nice and slowly with this tiny group of kiddos!
I'm also wrapping up stuff for this coming year with my soon-to-be students.
I just got this amazing poster that I designed on Vista Print to celebrate my "Lunch Bunch" kiddos each week. My students can earn the privilege to eat lunch with me in the room on Friday for passing a certain number of AR tests, being invited, or competing their homework for the entire month. They write their names on sticky notes and stick them to the sign. I LOVE this new sign!
Isn't it too cute?!
I am also working on putting together a data folder for my students this year. It's mostly done and they'll be tracking things like math fact progress, spelling test scores, grammar snapshot scores, AR points earned each marking period, AIMS Web fluency scores, personal goals in reading, math, and behavior for each marking period, and then "yes" or "not yet" on their progress on the CCSS ELA standards we're doing each marking period.
I'm really excited about putting this power in my students' hands. We do a lot of thinking and talking about our progress and it's so powerful for kids to see that they are getting better... or getting stagnant... or falling behind. When I did my Master's Degree project 4 years ago, I did it on student goal setting and tracking in oral reading fluency. When kids didn't increase from one week to the next, they had to tell me WHY they did not increase. That type of thinking and self-monitoring is amazing!
So, I've put together a REALLY basic data folder to share with you. It's got spelling (for 10, 15, and 20 word lists), grammar, oral reading fluency, math facts, behavior, AR points, sight words, reading level growth, and personal goal forms.
You can get it by clicking the picture below. I'd love to hear from you if it's something you can use!
And last... don't forget about the giveaway I'm hosting for Learning Resources... you can win FOUR of these:
Just click the pic to go enter!

I just completed my first week of summer school with soon-to-be second graders. I wanted to try graphing their data for math facts and sight word ID. They were a little rusty the first day but soared, literally off the graph, the next two days! It was very motivating for them. Now I know I can use data notebooks with my first graders this year, so I will use your freebie for sure. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the free data graphs!! They were on my to-do list of things to get done today. So glad I checked you blog first to find these and save me some time. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for adding the other components to this wonderful pack. Last night I commented on FB saying that it would be a good piece for RTI. That is a major part of intervention in our building and we must have our data and evidence of what we are doing with the kiddos in a readable(graph) form. I think this will be perfect and will add another dimension because it is the student keeping up with his/her own goals. It will show specifically what that student is working on and show how progress is being made on each area! Now I just have to figure something like this out for math!!! haha :) It is a wonderful tool, thanks again.
Love the freebie data collection pack! Thank you SO much!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the data folder! I'm just starting my second year with kids tracking their own data and I'm still troubleshooting. This will definitely help me get things set up and hopefully keep things going. :)
The Teaching Thief