Today the TpT Winter Holiday eBooks were released and they are AH-MAZING!
Here's the link to the 3rd-6th grade book. Every page has a bit of holiday advice and a freebie... have fun browsing! Click the pic to download!
A bit THANK YOU to Rachel Lynette for compiling and editing this book!
Next... a new FREEBIE! This one is a pretty dang good one, I think. I am so thankful for the support of my teacher friends and bloggy friends that I wanted to share something great with you all for free! Hence... "Worth 1,000 Words" was born! This file is definitely worth downloading... I hope you will and hope you'll leave some feedback too! Click the pic to check it out!
And, finally... a new linky party! Now that the excitement of the TpT sale is over, I'm hoping you'll come check out the pics and link up your own to show off your beautiful home holiday decorations! Don't feel like you have to include as many pics as I did... but I'd love to see a few and so would everyone else! Click the pic to head over!
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