I wouldn't trade the year for anything though. Even during the lows, there were still highs! And, boy, do I LOVE my kiddos!!!
At the end of the year, I made each one a special gift that looked like this...
And I put each one in a frame from the Dollar Tree that looked like this- just one piece of plastic that you can slide a pic (or paper!) in and out of...
I had them on their desks when they came back from PE and they LOVED them. Like seriously loved. It was one of my favorite moments of the year seeing them see their gifts! I'm getting all the feels now just thinking about it!
So, they kept them on their desks all that day and some even left them there the next. And it got me thinking... what if this could be an awesome alternative to a traditional taped down name tag? You know- the name tags that get picked at and torn and dirty and spilled on and leave that black sludge outline on the desks when you move them?
And I decided that, next year, I am going to use this hack for my name tags! And I whipped up this puppy...
Fully editable, color and black and white... AND other inserts to change things up throughout the year, use as acknowledgements to students, and to celebrate events!
Check out these three that I printed and stuck in my frame tonight...
Here's an "I'm FRAME-ous" printable- just add the students' name and type or write in why you are proud!
Who wouldn't love to walk in and have one of these in their name tag holder for the day?! Happy birthday!
And here's the more traditional desktop helper... only it's not going to leave an ugly mess when the tape is removed and, when it's time to change table or desk spots, it's a cinch to relocate!
I am so excited about this and having so much fun making different designs. If you download it and see I'm missing something or even have suggestions for others to include, let me know!
It's on sale for $1.00 off for the rest of June... let me know what you think!