We're gearing up for a fun week in 3rd grade language arts!
This is our last week of switching for classes and I want to do something fun with my ELA kiddos while reviewing writing standards.
So... we're having KITE WEEK!
Tuesday I'm going to show my kiddos how to make a kite and we're going to write our opinions about flying a kite, as well as write our own similes, metaphors, onomatopoeias, and alliterations about kites!
On Wednesday, we'll make paper kites and fly them. Then my kiddos will write a narrative about their fun time, as well as review the characteristics of narratives with this fun book:
Thursday (our last day of switching), my kiddos will write their own kite how-to paragraphs... either how to fly a kite or how to make one. I'm also going to assess on idioms and writing dialogue with quick assessments from my Snapshots packs. I've LOVED LOVED LOVED using these half page assessments as quick checks to make sure my kiddos have maintained their skills as we've learned them throughout the year! We usually do a grammar and comprehension Snapshot every Friday. They are super quick, easy to grade, and give me a great indication about students' progress on standards. Love them!
On Thursday, kiddos will also be able to use my crafting supplies to make their own symmetrical kite in their kite booklets {keep reading more info on the booklet!}.
I've done kite making every year and it's a huge success... and they really fly!
Friday is a huge event at my school called... the community picnic! It's just what it sounds like... a picnic for our school community. We'll have a bouncy house, inflatable obstacle course, and other fun things to do. Our book fair is also going on and there will be hot dogs and chips for everyone. It's such a fun, positive day!
For the kite fun, we're going to make this book {instructions and a printable for making student kites}... just print, cut, and staple on the lines. We're going to add streamers to the back when the booklets are done!
Don't forget to leave some lovin' if you enjoy the freebie!
How are you winding down your school year? Anything fun planned? Our last day was supposed to be May 29... but, thank you Polar Vortex! Our year now goes until June 5!
Free 7 Day Healthy Meal Plan (Sept 16-22)
2 days ago