First fer Thursday is the "100 Club". This pack contains everything you need to encourage your students to read 100 books during the school year... it contains student recording sheets (that are editable so you can assign your own types of books!), several display options, and student awards for completing each level of the club. This has helped my students read books they may have never selected on their own, as well as devote extra time reading at home. They love reaching a new "level" in the club!
And speaking of clubs... second fer Thursday is another club and, one of my students' favorite things...
The HOMEWORK club! My kiddos work extremely hard to be members of the club each month. They don't know this, but I do allow one missing assignment each month (shhh!). Students in the club get their names posted outside the classroom door on one of the editable signs included in the pack. They also receive an award each month, a homework pass (included in the pack), and get to eat lunch with me in the classroom, which they LOVE! At the end of the year, we have a pizza party for all students who have been in the club every month! This pack includes everything you need to get started and is a winner for sure!
Third fer Thursday... more homework motivators... themed homework passes in color AND black and white! Over 80 different passes are included. All the passes are different from the passes included in the Homework Club pack, so this would make a great add on! I always give out passes for holiday treats too!
Feel free to share your motivational products in the comments below and be sure to check out these classroom motivators... 20% off today only!