I don't know about you... but I LOVE teaching small group reading! I'm so excited to share what we'll be working on this week as it's one of my FAVORITE standards to work on.
We're going to be working on RL 3.7- how illustrations work to help tell a story. I LOVE LOVE LOVE using wordless picture books to teach this so, we'll be "reading" The Farmer and the Clown by Marla Frazee. This is a GREAT story and I can't wait to share it with my groups. We'll also be creating "Thoughtmarks" from my Comprehension Thoughtmarks pack. These are bookmarks that explain the strategy on one side and give kiddos a chance to practice it on the other. Last, we are completing a "Snapshot" assessment that will help me see if my kiddos understand how photos contribute to a story.
We'll also be reading the leveled stories from one of my newest creations. I am so psyched to implement these as all of my reading groups will be reading essentially the same story, but each story is appropriately leveled to deliver the exact same content at an appropriate reading level!
That's what we're working on in small groups this week.
You can find the items I'm using on TpT if you want to check them out!
Leveled passages- also available for 2nd grade!
Thoughtshots! Love them!
And the half page "Snapshots" assessment comes from this pack!