It's time for my annual "I'm going to make time to blog again and here I am!" blog post. Do people still read blogs? With everything so social media based now, are there still people out there like me who want to share an experience, but need more than 1 photo and 100 characters to do so... who don't want to share it to the newest dance trend on Tik Tok? (Maybe I'm showing my age here!)
I just finished my 19th year teaching and my 5th at my current school. In the last five years, I haven't taught the same grade two years in a row... I went from 1st to 2nd to 1st to 2nd to a 2nd/3rd split class! This fall, I'm going down to 1st again and I'm so excited!
I've spent the last few weeks working on new resources and things I know I'm going to want to implement in my 1st grade classroom.
We use the reading series Wonders, so I've been making some things to supplement the program and to fit in to my routine for my literacy stations.
I'm so excited because I have finished my "Write the Room" station using the weekly spelling words & phonics skill, my "High Frequency Word" station, and a new phonics based activity for my writing station where students will cut out words to create a sentence, copy and illustrate the sentence, and then color pictures that match the phonics skill! This one doesn't "go" with Wonders except for the fact that each page follows the phonics skill for that week.
Want to see?
Check out this one for long a sounds!
Having taught 2nd and 3rd means that I have lots of Wonders goodies in my TpT store. I hope you'll check them out!