So, it's Fabulous Feedback Linky Party time!
The rules for this linky are simple:
1.) Go to your TpT store and find some feedback (on one or two items max!) that was meaningful to you- something that made you smile, or really gave you some good insight into how your product was or will be used.
2.) Blog about that great feedback, giving the username of the person who left it. Please do not just link up to products. Links to stores will be deleted.
3.) Invite that person to contact you to receive a similar product for free from your store!
4.) Snag the button below and link up with me so everyone can see the great feedback you got and find out if they are the winner!
This month's fab feedback comes from...
Langstonsh bought my CCSS Graphic Organizers for Big Kids pack. It has graphic organizers aligned to 3rd-5th grade ELA Common Core Standards. It made me so happy to hear that, not only are these teacher approved, but the 3rd graders in Langstonsh's class liked them too! I'm slowly adding more and more to this pack and you can always access updates from your TpT dashboard! You can e-mail me at and let me know which similarly priced item you'd like from my store!
This feedback has no name for me to credit. This buyer is enjoying my The Write Stuff Year Long Writing Portofolio pack. It has a narrative, informative, and opinion writing prompt for every month of the year, plus 10 additional of each that are not connected to any months. There are also suggestions for using these to document student writing growth by having students give themselves feedback on their writing. I'm so glad this buyer felt it was worth the purchase! Who doesn't love to hear that?!
I hope you'll link up below to share some amazing feedback you've gotten recently! Be sure to check out the links... you never know... your feedback might be featured!
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