Thursday, June 19, 2014

Healthy Summer... Here I Come! {Healthy Teachers Linky}

Happy Thursday, bloggy friends!  I don't often do "me" posts on here, but I wanted to share with you what I'm going to be doing... share with me too!  Let's keep each other accountable!

This has been an odd year for me, for sure.  I shared a few months ago that I am no longer married, and I've been looking for something to do this summer... something productive that I can pour time and energy in to.  This is my first summer where I am not a wife and, since we're on summer break, I'm not a teacher either.  I spent a lot of time having a bit of an identity crisis about this when school got out, and needed something productive that I could work on- a goal for the summer.  A positive change in my life that I could work toward.  And I am so excited about what I've decided to do!

So, I am going to start "The 21-Day Fix" and clean eating on Sunday.  If you aren't familiar with the program or clean eating, Google either one... you'll find tons!  "The 21 Day Fix" is all about targeted exercise and portion control with healthy foods.  The work-outs are 30 minutes, which is SO doable for me!

I know lots of you (because I follow you on Instagram!) are doing clean eating too... I thought maybe we could link up and share menus, recipes, or tips on Fridays this summer!  I'm posting on Thursday this week to give you time to get your posts up, but will host the linky on Fridays for the next few months!

This is the menu I made for the week.  I'm following the eating plan for "The 21 Day Fix", which involves using color-coded containers for portion control.  You get to eat a certain number of each color container each day, so this plan is set up for my caloric intake.  A few of the food items aren't exactly part of the program, but most are.  I'm planning to start at 80% clean eating, but this menu is almost 100% clean!  {I had planned to start this week, but an unfortunate pogo sticking accident has left me unable to exercise!}

Check out what I'm eating, share some thoughts in the comments, and *hopefully* link up (be sure to grab the button above and link back!) to share your own menus, recipes, or fitness thoughts for others!  Let's get ripped together!


  1. I've been thinking about trying this now I'm pretty sure I will! I'll check back to see how you're doing! Good luck! :)

  2. Hi Christina! Love your blog! I'm right there with you trying to get fit. I just recently did a post about that very thing. I have linked up with you.

  3. This is a fun idea! I'll hop in next week! (:


  4. I have the 21-day fix, started in March and it was great! I fell off the wagon in May though boo...that end of the school year gets you! I plan to restart next Sunday, after a much needed vacation! Your menu is amazing! Can't wait to see what else you have in store!

  5. Hi, Christina. Just wondering if you actually purchased the kit. I was not familiar with the 21-day fix and did google to get more information. Seems pretty reasonable .... something I keep telling most of my friends. It's all about portion control and exercising. I'm still debating whether to purchase kit or not. Good luck! Can't wait to hear about your progress.

  6. I love the 21 day fix! So much that I became a coach! I have a ton of documents and private support groups that I offer to my clients! Good luck, I would love to keep in touch with you on how it goes!

  7. Good luck with your journey to a healthy lifestyle!! I absolutely love the 21 Day Fix program too. I am a Beachbody coach and actually starting a 21 Day Fix challenge group of Facebook starting June 30. If any of you have the pack, are getting ready to start or interested in starting let me know and I'll add you into our private Facebook group. Its a great place to have support from others doing the program, a place to ask questions, and share ideas/recipes/successes with each other. Friend me: Jessicca Elliott Jones (Fort Lauderdale, FL) if you'd like to be added to the group!

  8. I did the 21 Day Fix in the spring, and it's a great program. I'm on a fitness journey, too. I've lost pounds, inches and stress by eating clean and working out everyday. Keep up the hard work, you will love the results. I am cheering you on from just below the state line in Middlebury IN.

  9. I've been blogging this summer about my health journey. I'm ready to fit into some of the clothes in the back of my closet! I shared my favorite recipe website this week and linked up!

    Learning in Room 203


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