We've been working on determining the lesson in a story. I LOVE putting pages in sheet protectors and having kids use dry erase markers on them. We read "Little Red Riding Hood" and students filled out a chart with character actions to help them determine the lesson in the story. We did this in small groups this week and it gave me a good idea on how my kiddos were understanding this skill!
The graphic organizer comes from my leveled RL pack for 3rd grade. We're also doing this page in our RRJs too! Want to spice up your reading responses with rigorous CCSS tasks? Click the pic to check them out for grades 2, 3, 4, and 5!
We also played "Carving Up Nouns" to practice common and proper nouns. We had SO much fun! I played with this little friend who could NOT say "common" and "proper"... he kept saying "prommon and cropper". We chuckled so much! Did you know this is a FREEBIE in my TpT store??? Click the pic to check it out!
We played my FAVORITE game "Back-to-Back" to practice lesson/moral using this pack from TpT.
This coming week, we'll be starting a unit on character traits. We'll use this pack... new to TpT today!
Last thing...
Check out this fun new inference activity I have just posted on TpT! Perfect for a Halloween week lesson!
Also... have you seen my cat? Here she is... sitting on top of my computer desk and staring at me! This girl cracks me up!

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