I never wanted to know when they were coming. I never told my students about it. I never did extra prep.
I liked my admin to see me in my natural habitat and I craved feedback like crazy.
Now that I'm on the other side of the table as a new administrator, I'm thinking about ways to make this process meaningful to the staff in my building. I don't want observations to feel like a "gotcha!". I want them to feel (and BE!) something that helps my staff develop their craft as educators.
We're using the Thoughtful Classroom Framework for the evaluations and one portion of that is a "Learning Walk".
I tweaked the information from my Thoughtful Classroom training to create this sheet that I can use for my informal Learning Walks. I LOVE that it asks teachers to tell me what they want me to look for when I come in.
It's short and sweet on my end and provides good feedback for teachers.
During our initial PD next month, I plan to ask each teacher to write their name on the top of fill in the first box. Then I can make a few copies and put them in a folder so that when I do my Learning Walk, I can just grab it and go! It's not a lengthy checklist or too cumbersome to complete after just a few minutes in a classroom. But it does connect what I'm doing to what teachers are doing and points my feedback in a direction that will be meaningful to each teacher.
You can snag it for free on TpT if you like it!
How does your administration empower you to develop your craft? Or... if you're an administrator... what evaluation tips do you have for a newbie?

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