I'm excited... but not loving the idea of a real alarm clock at the very real time of 5:30 in the morning!
But... to celebrate, I wanted to come on and do a blog post RE-REWIND!
I rewound to this post last summer... but here it is again.
So, this blast from the past features some freebies you can use to start your year off right! I'll even share a link at the bottom for a REALLY old freebie... a "first day banner" you can print out and hang to welcome your new friends in on day 1!
I know some of you are gearing up to head back already too, so I wanted to do a little FREEBIE REWIND!
I've shared these before, but, in case you missed them... there's a few at the very bottom too, so don't miss them!
Super cute random partner making cards...
A "Classroom/Hall Hunt" style first week ice breaker...
These are some of my products to help start your year smoothly and keep it running smoothly too...
EASY PEASY LEMON SQUEAZY newsletter templates...
Jazz up your writing instruction with Interactive Notebooks. My format provides a teacher page to be used for your mini-lesson and then a student page where they practice the skill on their own! My 3rd graders have LOVED these for the past two years!
100 Days to CCSS Success for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades... easy ways to review Common Core literacy skills!
Make assessing a BREEZE with these Snapshots! I could LITERALLY grade two classes worth of these assessments in under 10 minutes. Just a half sheet of paper, so totally do-able and not overwhelming for the kiddos either! Available for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in reading, grammar, and math!
Start it early! Encourage homework completion with this easy-to-implement system!
Dress up your room with one of my 20+ themed bunting banners! Personalize them however you want!
Make these adorable pennants with your students' names!
Hang up a photo backdrop for open house! Pre-K through 6th grade!
And... make the first days a snap with these ideas from all of your favorite teacher bloggers!
Phew! I hope you enjoy the freebies and maybe find another product you can't live without too!
Happy back to school!
As promised... a long-ago freebie for a really cute printable banner you can hang up on the first day!

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