Wanted to put out an invitation for you to buy some super cute Jamberry nails at my online party!
If you haven't heard of Jamberry nails, they are super cute nail wraps... that last for about 2 weeks and are simply adorable!
I keep pretty short nails and am really hard on my fingers. Polish chips off pretty easily for me, but these Jams are super durable. I've tried other nail wraps (from Kohl's and Avon) and they just don't have the staying power that these Jams do.
They're super easy to put on and just so dang adorable!
Here are two of the Jams I've rocked lately...
I LOVE LOVE LOVE using Jamberry as accent nails! The purple is polish and the others are just plain CUTENESS!
This is one of the full Jamicures I did recently... and got LOADS of compliments on!
The great news is...
These are just some of the amazing new designs that have just come out!
If you're interested in joining my online party, you can click the pic above to get your Jam on... just be sure to choose my party (Christina Bainbridge) when you check out! :)
Thanks for Jamming with me... I hope you'll try some!
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