Who doesn't love a sticker book?!
That's why my students will be collecting stickers this year and I KNOW they are going to love it!
Last year, I tied my individual student behavior system (Class Dojo) to a class store and students could cash in their points at the end of each week. Sometimes they would save them, not spend them all, or just take a looooong time deciding what they wanted from the store. Long story short, it became a lot for me to manage and took up too much time to have them shop. So, it started happening every other week... and then only monthly.
This year, I'm going to give a sticker to students who earn 5 or more Dojo points in a day and, when they have five stickers, they can choose something from the prize box.
Easy peasy.
I posted it on TpT in a fully editable format so you can set your own goals and use it for students who master math facts, behavior goals, any thing you can think of! Or tie it to your behavior system you already have in place like I did!
Check it out!
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