Each 3rd grader chose a historical figure to research and become for our Wax Museum Open House, which we did on Friday for about an hour during school.
After researching their chosen person, each 3rd grader created a timeline of their person's life and wrote a speech as that person. They were responsible for coming up with a costume, *hopefully* memorizing their speech, and we had an Open House on Friday where families and other students came to listen.
It was pretty amazing!
Check out these pictures from our day...
These are my Presidents... George Washington, Theodore Roosevelt, Ulysses S. Grant, Abraham Lincoln, and George W. Bush!
Amelia Earhart...
Betsy Ross...
Neil Armstrong...
Sacajawea and Pocahontas...
George Washington Carver, Davy Crockett, Johnny Appleseed, and Dr. Seuss!
And... the most realistic Ben Franklin ever (aside from the actual Ben Franklin!)
We LOVE Wax Museum... can't wait for next year!
And... did you see this???
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