Every Monday, my students received a packet with their homework for the week. I always "assign" something per night, but they can complete it at their leisure and return on Friday!
Homework always followed the same basic format:
-a passage to read 3x to develop fluency
-a page from THIS pack on TpT that aligns with Eureka math (one of my best ever purchases and one that I will be re-purchasing so I can have the 2nd grade pack for the upcoming year!)
-a page to practice our weekly high-frequency words
-a math practice page focusing on math facts (number bonds, simple addition/subtraction, etc...)
Keeping the type of work the same allowed students to be independent, which I think parents appreciated!
My start to the school year was a whirlwind and I found it hard to keep up with creating a homework sheet and a newsletter each week, so I combined them into one and stapled it to the front of the homework packet.
It worked so well! And, doing it on Google Slides, meant I could easily work on it at home if needed and then access at school.
This year, I have jazzed up the look of my homework sheet and I am officially in LOVE.
Here's the "look" with some fake info thrown in so you can get the full effect...
I have uploaded this template to TpT too... it's 100% editable so you can completely customize for your classroom!
If you're looking for a simple, effective homework/classroom happenings communication tool that you can customize in Google Slides, check it out! Check out EDITABLE CALENDARS in Google Slides too!

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