Monday, January 30, 2012

The Longest Blog Post Ever... Stuff, Pics, Freebie, Giveaways, and a Gerbil!

Ok.  It was a Monday.  Did anyone else have a friend who was hysterical for 40-minutes today and also refused to do work?  And also refused to move from laying in a ball on the floor?  And also wouldn't speak?  Luckily, my friend perked up by the end of the day... but it made for a long morning!

On to the longest blog post ever.  Probably not, but in my mind, it's pretty long right now.

Up first... stuff.

Last week we did a solids & liquids writing assignment.  Students were to write to a poor snowman/girl/lady/boy/kid/etc... who was melting and explain to them what was happening using our matter vocabulary and changing states of matter.

They turned out SUPER cute and so full of learning!  I was impressed!

Here's a picture of one of my kiddo's good work:

And, if you click the image below, you can get a copy of the "liquid" and "solid" words and the "title" one of my girlies colored to put with our display.  The snowman pictures came from Today in First Grade's blog.  I just used two of the pictures and blew them up.  We colored on them and then pained my cool blue dye over them; it resists the crayon and just looks super cool!
Next... pics.

Last Thursday and Friday we had work days in the afternoon and, on Thursday, I recruited some child laborers who were here due to parents on staff.  One of my first grade teacher friends bribed encouraged them to help me by buying them a candy bar!  :)  They worked their tails off and helped me change the set-up of my room...

To this:

So, the "meeting area" moved from the back of the room to the front.  The main reason for the move is the Active Slate that I'm using.  I've always been a teach-from-the-rug kind of teacher, but having that slate makes the need for a meeting place closer to the board so important!  I'm loving the arrangement!

Freebie:  See "stuff" above.

Next on the list... giveaways!  Who doesn't love those?!

I'm currently involved in two.  One for all of my themed Valentine cards AND a cute tumbler from Ann-Marie at K&K Designs.  If you've not yet entered, it's a MUST check out!  You can click that text to head over there.  I'll be choosing a winner on Wednesday.

The second ends TOMORROW and is for my Groundhog's Day mini-activity pack and one created by my friend Sandy.  You have to enter that one at Ms. Fiorini's blog... click the graphic for more info.  There are only 18 entries right now so you still have a super chance to win!  All you have to do is "follow" us on Teacher's Notebook and our blogs.  Easy peasy lemon squeazy!  This file is still on sale at my shop (along with everything else!) until midnight!

And last... a new gerbil.  I tried a class pet for the first time this year and LOVED it!  We got a gerbil and named her Lily.  Sadly, she did not return to school after Christmas break.  And we've missed her ever since!  Well, one of my classroom families got us a new gerbil last week.  I used my powers of teacher persuasion to help her get the name "Gerbie"!  :)  The other choices to vote on were Sugar, Missy, and Sally... and Gerbie won by one vote!

Here she is!  She was being shy this morning, so it's not great.  I'll keep working on her!

Also... she might secretly be a he.  So... yeah.

Tomorrow my hubby and I have tickets to "Rock of Ages"... and I can't wait!  I got the tickets for Christmas, so tomorrow Christmas is officially over for me.  Ya'll know I'm a nut for musicals and this one sounds like a great one!  All 80s and hair band-ish... YES!


  1. After your struggle with the friend today, you will really deserve a night out tomorrow. I hope you really enjoy it. Sounds like fun. Let us know how it turns out.

  2. omgosh! I LOVE those matter snowmen!! I will have to do those next year!
    And I REALLY hope I win the tumbler!!!
    And I'm constantly moving my furniture around too...hehe

    ♥ Jen
    The Teachers' Cauldron

  3. I have a little...strike that..big friend just like yours...mine not only lays on the floor and doesn't respond..he flips chairs and bookcases:( I feel your pain. Love the gerbil...we have a rabbit...was Petunia...just found out it is now Buster. Surprise!!!

    4th Grade Frolics

  4. What a cute idea with the matter snowmen. I will have to save that idea because we already taught matter this year.

  5. The matter snowman is just genius, so creative! Also, I just watched/listened to your webinar about reading fluency growth goals. Loved it!!! Can't wait for your next one! : )

  6. I love your room, so bright and festive!

    I feel yah on your lovely student, happens all the time :)

    Your gerbil is adorable!! We have a guinea pig!

    Have fun tomorrow!

    Ms. Rachel’s Room

  7. Gerbie is so cute! Loving the new arrangement! It looks so roomy!!! That snowman lesson turned out SOOOOOO good! Holy moly thinking there!

    Fingers crossed for a fast week! Have fun tomorrow!!!!


  8. Rock of Ages....AWESOME. I love musicals and it is by far my favorite! Mine was a Christmas present too.

    Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher

  9. Tag! You're it! You've just been invited to play the bloggy tag game. Come on over to my blog to check it out! :)

    Second Grade Sugar and Spice

  10. So glad to know I'm not alone with those kiddos! Mine at least chose to walk out of art instead of my classroom. Love your new setup!

    Living A Wonderful Life

  11. I love how you incorporated snowmen with solids and liquids! Too cute!

    Primary Junction

  12. I just bought my first TPT item.....your groundhog unit, it looks like a lot of fun, my kids will love it ! Hope tomorrow is a better day :)

  13. I just tagged you! Hop over to my blog to check it out.

  14. Oh my gosh! I love this!!! It is so adorable. Thank you so much for the idea :)

    Teaching in Room 6

  15. The snowman is too cute! I pinned it on Pinterest last night :) Thanks for sharing another great idea! Have a much better day!

    Lisa :)

  16. I also had a struggle with a friend, although it was Friday and it was on and off all day (he's been moved from another class to see if that will "help" his issues.......I'm thinking not)....glad yours wasn't an all day thing!


  17. I love this idea!! It's perfect since we're studying about matter right now.

    Krazy About Kiddos

  18. Did you give them a writing prompt for this activity? Also what size construction paper did you use?


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