I found foam snowflakes in the dollar spot at Target... 10 for $1.00. I also got foam gingerbread people, sparkly trees, sparkly stockings, and sparkly snowmen! I have no big plans yet for those, but here's what we did today...
I gave each student a foam snowflake and sequins, felt snowflake stickers, and glue. They had to create a symmetrical snowflake...

Then I gave them two cupcake liners- a big one with snowflakes on it and a little silver one. They had to flatten them, glue the little one on top of the big, and write their name in the center... sort of snowflake-esque. Here's mine:

And then, one of my kiddos colored this sign that I made (click to get your copy!)...

Yesterday I posted about my Christmas Party and I asked for your ideas and suggestions. You've given some AWESOME ideas! I am definitely going to be trying a "Hot Chocolate Bar"... so thanks, Cassandra! I'll choose four winners from the comments to win a copy of my "Naughty or Nice" party game... so if you have other ideas, please share!
I also shared a little about the Christmas stockings that we do. They are just paper bags with stocking patterns on the front that the kids decorate, but I ask for donations of little items to put inside. It's usually pencils, candy canes, plastic holiday cups, little Slinkies and cups of Play Dough... just little party favor type things. The kids LOVE it and all get to take home a bag full of goodies! Teaching in a high-poverty school, I don't like asking families to do gift exchanges and things like that. This way people who are able to donate can and no one has to know who brought goodies and who didn't because I fill the stockings up the day before the party!
Anyway, here's an editable version of my letter for you to adopt! Let me know what you think and, if you use it, I'd love to hear how it goes over in your classroom too! Once you open it in Google docs, you'll need to download it in WORD so you can add your own information/make changes.

I'll be using your Christmas around the world unit again this year. Love the powerpoints! Also wanted to tell you that I got some great ideas from you and the comments for our Christmas party. I'll be doing the breakfast, edible tree, stockings and hot chocolate bar. Thanks for the stocking letter!