I'm super excited... my copy of Math Work Stations by Debbie Diller came today! Teaching a split class, I had to be very creative last year during my math time because half of my class was learning with me while half was not.
Though I am pleased with what I threw together for my kids, there were definitely times where it could have been much more meaningful and structured. Just flipping through this book, I can already tell that it is going to be a huge help in setting up meaningful math practice for my students.
I have loved checking out all of the bloggers who are reading this book right now... there are so many talented teachers out there!
So, I expect I will be studying my book for the next few weeks and creating some resources for my classroom. That, however, does not start today. This is my first official day of summer since summer school ended yesterday!
I spent the whole morning in my PJs, drinking a crazy amount of coffee, listening to old episodes of "Will and Grace" on Lifetime, and woking on a Chocolate Touch unit for The Teaching Oasis. Then I made some cream of asparagus soup (except I put in a little milk instead of sour cream)... then I watched last night's episode of "The First 48" on the couch with my doggies... and then I finally checked the mail and got my book! And though I am super pumped about reading it, I am loving this day of minimal accomplishments!
So, just so I don't feel like a total heel, I've attached a predicting document that I tweaked from something I found online for summer school. This one is for non-fiction texts. We looked at all of the text features (table of contents, index, some of the pictures in the book) and the kids had to predict what they would learn and support it with evidence. I used a book about animal feet, but you could use any non-fiction text for this!
Enjoy and if you like it... comment away!
Chicken Egg Roll Bowl
8 hours ago
I love this! Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteGreat! My kids love nonfiction during buddy reading.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comments! My summer school kids were excited to draw their predictions in the crystal ball! I didn't think about using it during partner reading, but that would be a great discussion starter for the kids too!
ReplyDeleteLove this! Thanks for sharing!! :)
ReplyDeleteI JUST got this book today in the mail! I'm so excited to read it and get ideas! I found your website and blog via pinterest somehow and I am just thrilled. I am also a teacher in Michigan AND I'll be teaching a split 1st/2nd class next year! I'll definitely be following your blog and site! Thanks for everything you've put on here! Where in MI are you? I'm in the UP.